Thursday, December 2, 2010

July 18th, 1862

Camp near Corinth. July 18th 1862

Dear Mary,
I have several times commenced writing you lately but have got discouraged and stopped before I got through. I have got no letters from you for a long time and don’t know whether you got my letters or not hence my indifference about writing. But then I know you want to hear from me and I can do no more than write and if you don’t get my letters it is not my fault.
I am in good health at present, only I have a lame wrist. I strained it sometime ago and it has not got so I can use it yet, but we have little to do so it makes but little difference. The weather has been pretty warm and dry for sometime past, but night before last and yesterday morning we had a heavy rain which has laid the dust and imparted a coolness and freshness to the atmosphere that is invigorating.
There is but little excitement in this part of the country, the Rebels seem to be remarkably quite just now. They are waiting for a bite I expect, it appears from the papers that there is some trouble in Kentucky and that Morgan and his gang are doing a good deal of mischief and they are fearful that Frankfort will fall into his hands. I hope that the villain will speedily reap his reward. The news from Richmond is rather discouraging, although it is said that McClellan has got back all the ground he lost. We got a letter from Captain Myres a day or two ago and he says that Ohio has to furnish forty thousand more troops. I have my doubts about that many more being raised in Ohio immediately without a resort to drafting, in which case the cowardly and secession sympathizers will have to bear their share of the dangers and hardships of soldiers life and in addition , the odium and disgrace of having to be forced to fight for their country and their rights will be forever attached to them.
I am glad Mollie that I am a volunteer, although I may have done little toward putting down the wicked rebellion, I have the consciousness of having done my duty and I have done all I could do under the circumstances.
Mary I can’t help but feel uneasy about you and the children, I have not heard whether you have ever got any of the money I sent you or rather whether Ammon (older brother) even got the check I sent him or not, and you have never told me whether Mr. Worley paid you or not or whether Jake paid you any. If you have not got money from any of these sources, I know you must have suffered from want of this.
I have some money now and which I would gladly send you, but the mails are so uncertain, I am afraid to send it by mail. I did expect to have an opportunity to send it by private conveyance, but I have been disappointed in that, I cannot but feel that we have been ill treated. Before I enlisted I had the promise of assistance for the support of my family from the country, but so far as I know you have never received a cent. I also had the promise of Lieut. Brown that I should have my reimbursements from the time I enlisted to the time of going to camp, that I never received, and in all probability never will. And you say in one of your letters that Tooley had never made a rail on our contract, and having failed to fill his first part of the contract, I am fearful that he will be remiss in the balance. I will say this right here that if he neglects to harvest and save the wheat, he will have an unpleasant account to settle when I get home, that’s all.
I have just heard that Gen. Grant has been appointed to the command of the army in the western department, and he has selected old Whitfield’s Mansion here as his headquarters. Whitfield is now a prisoner of war. He was suspicioned of holding treasonable correspondence with the enemy and he and some seven of his neighbors were arrested. I can’t imagine what can be the object or what will be the result of placing Grant in command of the Army, but this I am sure of it will be hailed with universal dissatisfaction with the troops. The manner in which the battle of Shiloh was conducted under his generalship did not have the effect to inspire the troops with the greatest of confidence in his ability or bravery. The only supposed reason I have heard expressed for the appointment is that there will be probably be but little more for the army here to do.
I would like to know where Smith has gone to or what he is doing now and whether his excuse for taking his name from the enlistment role was valid or not. June is past and that of course will tell the story. I would like to know also whether your suspicions of cousin Matt were correct or not and maybe while I am on the subject it would be also as well to extend my inquiries about matters and things nearer home. Where does Eli (?) and Cynthia intend to live and how are you getting along since she went away, and what do you think you had better do about stopping there next winter if you don’t get home? If our wheat turns out well and you can get anybody to sow that juice again, wouldn’t it be as well to have it (indiscernible?)
If you ever hear from Waldo and Ernest, I’ve not heard from them since Waldo went down to Darby to live. I do hope that our mail arraignments will be better managed soon, as it little more than a nuisance. You asked me in one of your letters whether I had plenty of clothing and I don’t know whether I answered it or not, I have plenty and to spare and now I will ask you have you plenty? Well Mollie I must close, I’ll try to write some to Edgar this afternoon, kiss little Elmer for me, write immediately,

Ever yours truly and faithfully,
C.M. Adams

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